
Name Captain Vice-Captain Venue
Alfred B The Alfred
Ashford Club Glen Raggett Zara Waters The Ashford Club
Beaver Bandits Martin Todd The Beaver Inn
Beaver Bashers Ziggy Hrehorow The Beaver Inn
Chimney Sweepers Jack Sell The New Chimneys
Dukes All Stars Paul Friday Dukes Head Hamstreet
George B Martin Derby The George
Loco rebels Kevin Osborne The Locomotive
Locomotive Matt Griffin Joe Griffin The Locomotive
Singleton Barn Matthew Coleman Singleton Barn
The Albion A Bradley Fuller The Albion
The Albion B Keith Popman The Albion
The Alfred James Crump Gavin Griggs The Alfred
The Chimney Pots Kieran Marden Debbie Marden The New Chimneys
The George A Martin Derby The George
The Old Players Pat Penfold Martyn Ralph The Pheonix
The Pheasant Pluckers Graham Hayward Steve Cooper The Pheasant
The Pheasant Stars simon Fullagar The Pheasant
The Phoenix Misfits James Aylward-Clark The Pheonix
The Rail Club Paul Varley The Rail Club
William Harvey John boy Rolf William Harvey